

(《世界华文媒体》记者勾芍人2023年12月29日中国报道)2023年12月9日下午,“第四届(2023)世界会长大会暨第14届西湖公共关系论坛”(The fourth (2023) World Association President Conference and the 14th West Lake Public Relations Forum)在浙江杭州盛大启幕。

本届大会以“推动建设开放型世界经济:社会组织的使命”(Promoting the construction of an open world economy: the mission of social organizations)为主题,继续深化世界商会协会组织广泛的、机制性的合作,为促进全球各地社会组织之间的交流与合作,推动国际贸易和经济合作搭建一个重要的社会平台,在构建新发展格局中发挥积极作用。

杭州市人民政府市长姚高员出席开幕式并在致辞中提出“三点期待”:以开放合作铺就互联互通的路,以产业联结架设共商共赢的桥,以人文交流搭好相融相济的台。他表示,真诚期待各位会长将更多国际组织引进杭州、更多国际活动落地杭州;真诚欢迎广大企业来杭发展、各位大咖到杭创业;真诚期待全球伙伴与杭州一道,做大文化交往朋友圈,注入文化发展新动能,打造文化合作好典范。大会开幕仪式由十三届全国政协委员,宁波市十四届、十五届政协主席杨戌标主持,来自海内外1000余位社会组织会长(副会长)及特邀代表到会见证盛况参与研讨。中国人民对外友好协会副会长李希奎、中国社会工作联合会副会长周惠、十二届浙江省政协副主席周国辉、上海市公共关系协会会长沙海林,中非共和国驻华大使贝合纳(H. E. Bernard Golondo)分别致辞。主旨演讲环节由杭州市政协副主席、市工商联主席冯仁强主持,联合国工业发展组织前总干事卡洛斯(Carlos Magarinos)发表主旨演讲。在圆桌论坛环节,上海市美国商会主席、美国驻上海总领馆前总领事谭森(Sean Stein),印度工商会联合会中国区会长阿都尔·达拉果地(Atul Dalakoti)等代表分别就各自关注的领域发表主题演讲。在世界会长大会组委会主席、杭州市公共关系协会执行会长刘江主持下,与会数名专家、商协会会长及企业机构代表就产业链、国际贸易与社会组织等议题在现场进行了热烈的问答交流。世界各地会长代表共同宣读了《推动建设开放型世界经济杭州倡议》。


10日,大会还举行了“第 14 届西湖公共关系论坛” 、“产业链-投资银行-跨国公司执行官-世界会长圆桌会议”、“国际经贸规则改革研讨会”三场平行分论坛。其中西湖公共关系论坛West Lake Public Relations Forum自2010年起每年举办一届,迄今已成功举办十三届,本届西湖公共关系论坛 以“后亚运时代杭州城市知名度美誉度提升与公共关系”为主题,探讨公共关系在后亚运时代赋能城市形象的机遇和挑战。


三年来,邀请了第十三届全国政协副主席、中国科学技术协会主席万钢,2022年中国政府友谊奖获得者、德国前总统武尔夫阁下,联合国第八任秘书长、博鳌亚洲论坛理事长潘基文阁下,第十一届全国人大常委会外事委员会主任委员、外交部前部长李肇星,第十一届全国政协经济委员会副主任、国家统计局原局长李德水,全国对外友协副会长李希奎,中国国际贸易促进会副会长于健龙,印尼驻华大使周浩黎(Djauhari)、挪威驻华大使Ms. Signe Brudeset、斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国驻华大使帕利塔·科霍纳(Palitha Kohona)、新西兰中国友好协会会长迈克·道森等嘉宾及多位国际商协会会长、浙江省及杭州市领导到会致辞发言,不断汇聚全球各地政界、商界和科技界的力量,在海内外引发了强烈反响,受到了国家领导人、国家部委领导、省市有关领导及世界各地商协会会长们的高度肯定;大会揭牌成立了世界会长投资联盟、世界会长全球招商中心,正式上线“世界商会”数智化应用平台,举行杭州市公共关系协会与海内外31家商协会签订共建世界会长大会平台战略合作协议,并连续三届发布《世界会长大会首日封》,20位知名商协会会长共同宣读《数字经济与人类命运共同体杭州倡议》《世界会长投资联盟发起人声明》《世界会长(杭州)倡议》等。大会还积极组织与会国际商会会长、国家级社会组织会长和海外侨领赴杭州市多地考察,并出席相关区县的招商引资洽谈会,为地方政府招商引资工作助力;大会同时设立开展了“第11届、第12届、第13届西湖公共关系论坛”和“全球城市智慧治理与公共关系”“直播激发乡村活力 产业推动乡村振兴”“数字化与现代服务业”“数字经济与‘双碳’携行发展产业投资闭门会”“数字化专精特新企业董事长和国际会长圆桌会议”等平行分论坛,围绕历届大会主题开展针对性、精准性、有效性讨论和研究;大会积极推动聚集了各国际组织和商协会的力量,推动中国不断扩大高水平开放,加速高质量发展,推动全球发展人类命运共同体,彰显了以开发合作促进共同发展,增进人民福祉的重要意义。时任浙江省委副书记黄建发同志(现中组部副部长)在杭州市公共关系协会呈送的“第三届(2022)世界会长大会暨第13届西湖公共关系论坛活动的汇报”材料上作出重要批示指出:要积极支持,充分发挥社会组织在促进社会治理的独特作用。


西湖公共关系论坛每年举办一届,迄今已成功举办十三届,绝大多数系杭州西湖国际博览会项目,并获杭州西博会组委会办公室最佳品牌奖等奖项,在海内外已拥有广泛影响力,历任浙江省委常委、杭州市委书记王国平、黄坤明、龚正、赵一德等领导均为论坛的成功开幕发过贺信。中央政治局委员、广东省委书记黄坤明同志时任浙江省委常委、杭州市委书记时在给“第 3 届西湖公共关系论坛”的成功开幕发出贺信指出“公共关系既是一门科学,也是一门艺术”。国家荣誉获得者、原驻美大使李道豫,中国政府欧洲事务特使、联合国原副秘书长吴红波大使,国家统计局原局长李德水,中央外办原副主任吕凤鼎,时任浙江省人大常委会副主任史济锡、浙江省政协副主席周国辉等曾应邀出席西湖公共关系论坛开幕式并致辞,台湾地区知名人士洪秀柱、郝龙斌、王金平、郁慕明、林中森、蒋孝严、刘忆如等均为论坛的成功开幕发过贺信或到会演讲。

“第四届(2023)世界会长大会暨第14届西湖公共关系论坛”的成功举办,引起国际关注。美国、加拿大、英国、意大利、法国、德国、西班牙、阿根廷、巴西、澳大利亚、印度、新加坡等12个G20国家和香港、台湾地区媒体分别以“杭州举办标志性会议:通过全球合作打造开放型世界经济”(Hangzhou Hosts Landmark Conference: Shaping an Open World Economy through Global Collaboration)、“全球机构领导人在杭州召开2023年世界会长大会和第14届西湖公共关系论坛”(Global Leaders Convene in Hangzhou for the 2023 World Association President Conference and 14th West Lake Public Relations Forum)、“杭州见闻:揭开2023年世界会长大会的成功面纱”(Insights from Hangzhou: Unveiling the Success of the 2023 World Association President Conference)作为新闻标题,对这两个会议进行了报道或转载。

其中包括国际著名通讯社美国美联社(Associated Press意大利IPS通讯社美国《数码日报》(Digital Journal )、全美国100家以上广播电视台、世界著名互联网门户新闻网雅虎(Yahoo)旗下10个国家和地区的雅虎财经网、加拿大100家以上著名媒体如《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)《国家邮报》(National Post)《金融邮报》(Financial Post)《渥太华公民报 》(Ottawa Citizen)《渥太华太阳报》(Ottawa Sun)《多伦多太阳报》(Toronto Sun)《温哥华太阳报》(Vancouver Sun)《蒙特利尔公报》(Montreal Gazette)伦敦自由新闻》(London Free Press)《温莎星报》(Windsor Star)《温尼伯太阳报》(Winnipeg Sun)《埃德蒙顿日报》(Edmonton Journal)《埃德蒙顿太阳报》(Edmonton Sun)《卡尔加里太阳报》(Calgary Sun)《卡尔加里先驱报》(Calgary Herald)等。


美联社(Associated Press)


美国《数码日报》(Digital Journal )


《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)


Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China – December 16, 2023 – Steven Zhao, Canada & World Report –On the afternoon of December 9, 2023, the fourth World Association President Conference and the 14th West Lake Public Relations Forum opened grandly in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The theme of this conference is “Promoting the construction of an open world economy: the mission of social organizations,” aiming to deepen the extensive and institutionalized cooperation among global business associations. It serves as a crucial platform for facilitating communication and cooperation between social organizations worldwide, promoting international trade and economic cooperation, and playing an active role in the establishment of a new development pattern.

Yao Gaoyuan, the Mayor of Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, attended the opening ceremony and expressed three expectations in his speech: creating an open and cooperative path for interconnection, establishing bridges for shared benefits through industrial connections, and fostering a platform for cultural exchange. He sincerely welcomed international organizations and activities to be introduced to Hangzhou, businesses and entrepreneurs to develop in Hangzhou, and global partners to join hands with Hangzhou in cultural exchanges, injecting new energy into cultural development.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Yang Xubiao, Member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the 14th and 15th Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Over 1,000 presidents (vice presidents) of NGOs from home and abroad, along with special invited representatives, participated in witnessing the event and engaging in discussions.

Li Xikui, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, stated in his address that the conference is of great significance in promoting China’s continuous expansion of high-level opening up, accelerating high-quality development, and fostering a global community with a shared future. He expressed the willingness of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to actively leverage civilian diplomatic advantages, build a global platform for civilization dialogue, and contribute to the exchange and cooperation between social organizations worldwide, as well as to international trade and regional economic cooperation.

Li Xikui, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Zhou Hui, Vice President of the China Association of Social Workers, Zhou Guohui, Vice Chairman of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Sha Hailin, President of the Shanghai Public Relations Association, and Ambassador Bernard Golondo of the Central African Republic to China delivered speeches. The conference focused on the crucial role of social organizations in building a global open economic system, exploring topics such as international economic and trade cooperation, sustainable development, and macroeconomic trends.

Ambassador Bernard Golondo of the Central African Republic to China

The keynote speech session was chaired by Feng Renqiang, Vice Chairman of the Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Hangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce. Carlos Magarinos, former Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), delivered a keynote speech, emphasizing the need for joint action by the UN, international organizations, developed and developing countries to address global crises and promote world economic development. He highlighted the importance of cooperation and communication among the world’s business associations.

Carlos Magarinos, former Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

In the roundtable forum section, representatives such as Sean Stein, Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Former Consul General of the United States Consulate General in Shanghai, and Atul Dalakoti, Executive Director of China Office, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) , delivered theme speeches in their respective fields. Liu Jiang, Organizing Committee Chairman of the World Association President Conference and Executive Chairman of the Hangzhou Association of Public Relations, moderated the lively Q&A exchange among experts, business association presidents, and representatives of corporate organizations on topics such as the industrial chain, international trade, and social organizations.

 Sean Stein, Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Former Consul General of the United States Consulate General in Shanghai

Liu Jiang, Organizing Committee Chairman of the World Association President Conference and Executive Chairman of the Hangzhou Association of Public Relations

Representatives of association presidents from around the world jointly read the “Hangzhou Initiative for Promoting the Construction of an Open World Economy.”

The conference, co-hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Association of Social Workers, and the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, was organized by the Hangzhou Association of Public Relations. Supporting organizations included the China International Public Relations Association and the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, among others.

On the 10th, the conference also held three parallel sub-forums: “14th West Lake Public Relations Forum – Industrial Chain-Investment Bank-CEO of Multinational Corporations-World President Roundtable Meeting,” and “International Economic and Trade Rules Reform Seminar.”

The West Lake Public Relations Forum has been held annually since 2010, and this 14th edition focused on the theme of “Enhancing the City’s Visibility and Reputation in the Post-Asian Games Era and Public Relations,” discussing the opportunities and challenges for public relations in empowering the city’s image in the post-Asian Games era.

On December 16th, Liu Jiang, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the World President’s Conference, said in an interview with reporters that the conference was very successful. Hangzhou is a very open and hospitable city, and we welcome NGOs from all over the world to continue participating in our conference and visiting Hangzhou for tourism.
